Skittles has a famous tagline, “Taste the Rainbow.”
Even though Skittles means they want more people to taste their sugar laden candy, we can’t help but agree – so long as we’re talking about the rainbow of colors available from fresh, whole foods. Take for example the vibrant red of tomatoes, bright orange carrots and yellow bell peppers just to name a few. Or the green hue of kale, the boisterous blue of a blueberry or a positively plump purple grape.
How many vegetables and fresh fruits can you liken to the colors of a rainbow?
The possibilities are endless.
But while taglines and reminders to eat more colorful and nutrient packed foods are great, putting it into practice is not something we’re born knowing how to do.
- Maybe you’re unfamiliar with what fresh fruits and vegetables pair with one another
- You find it time consuming to plan meals and prepare these foods in a way that is healthy and delicious for your family
- You believe it’s just too expensive to eat more fresh, healthy whole foods.
- You realize fruits and veggies can wilt or spoil and may not end up being eaten
- You know what you’re eating now doesn’t upset your stomach so you stick with what you know.
These are all completely reasonable barriers that keep us from eating more colors – aka more fresh fruits and vegetables.
But it’s where Denver Inner City Parish’s VeggieRx program steps in to solve those issues – and more!
What’s So Bad About Eating Pre-Packaged Foods?
Children who eat more prepackaged, processed foods have higher sugar, sodium and saturated fat intake. 3. Alexy U, Libuda L, Mersmann S, Kersting M. Convenience foods in children’s diet and association with dietary quality and body weight status. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011;65(2):160–6. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
If We Know There’s a Better Way, What is Still Holding us Back?
Many people who aren’t already eating the recommended USDA amounts of vegetables and fruit believe you have to be an experienced cook and that they don’t know how to meal plan.
Both beliefs can be addressed with VeggieRx classes where we tackle the following topics – together!
Week 1: Eating the Rainbow – Eating a Balanced Plate
Week 2: Knife and Kitchen Safety – Making a Salad
Week 3: Preplanned Meals – Local Resources
Week 4: Gardening – Grow Our Own Food
Week 5: Label Reading – Serving Sizes & Whole Grains
Week 6: Rest & Exercise – Adding More Veggies
Week 7: Healthy Meal in One Pan – Stir Fry
Week 8: Oral Health – Healthy Snacks
VeggieRx provides education about healthy foods through an 8-session program using hands-on food preparation, knife skills, healthy activities, tips on how to buy the most nutritious food on a budget, and local resources to find healthier food.
And that’s Not All. You’re rewarded for your participation. Our “students” at VeggieRx receive incentives throughout the course, including a grocery store gift card at the session’s end. Participants also enjoy access to DICP’s Food Pantry and Care Navigation resources.
If you understand the importance of adding fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet and want this for your family or your child’s school, let us know here.