Greens & Grains Denver Inner City Parish


School meals can help ensure children have a healthy lunch - but what about other meals they may be missing?

Greens-N-Grains is Denver Inner City Parish’s food truck distributes healthy meals to youth in Denver’s food deserts and neighborhoods where food insecurity is high. We partner with schools and after-school programs during the school year for snacks and meals that are traditionally the most unhealthy eating times for kids. During the summer we offer the USDA Summer Lunch program at partner sites throughout the metro area providing nutritious and culturally relevant food that appeals to the communities we serve.

Healthy Meals

Nutrition & Health Education

DICP engages youth in nutrition and health education at the food truck sites. The mobile curriculum includes youtube videos, recipes, games, and demonstrations to engage youth and families in healthy and active lifestyles.

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Greens-N-Grains Program Impact

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Snack Bags

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Summer Meals

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Meals Served to an Average of 1,650 Kids

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Food Truck Meals

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GNG Event Meals


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